Our Impact
We ensure that all Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support. Our impact means that we make a difference to EVERYONE with a breast cancer diagnosis, regardless of whether they have been in contact with BCNA or not.
- Around 280,000 people have used our printed resources and post-surgery My Care Kit; and over 52,000 have attended live and online events.
- 21,000 participants are registered on our online peer support network for those diagnosed. 27 per cent from regional, rural and remote Australia.
- Over 10,000 people have accessed the tailored support provided through our digital My Journey online tool; with over 40 per cent living in rural and regional Australia.
- Experienced cancer nurses on our telephone Helpline answer 12,000 calls each year.
- The voice of our network includes 60 trained Consumer Representatives, each with a personal experience of breast cancer sitting on government and research committees to improve the health system

Our Goals
Less than 17 per cent of our income comes from government, so our ability to support Australians affected by breast cancer is directly linked to our ability to raise funds. With your help, by 2025 we’ll:
- ensure our resources are relevant and accessible for those at the point of diagnosis, and developed for use by others affected by breast cancer too
- build our digital reach to ensure that more people affected by breast cancer can access BCNA’s information and support
- harness the power of our network, building the capability of our Consumer Representatives to connect, engage and contribute to BCNA’s work at national, state and local levels
- using data driven advocacy, act on urgent priorities for action in quality of care.